Friday, February 4, 2011



Allium gold or silver coins are like harbs perennials with flowers bring forward on scapes. They grow from lonely or clustered tunicate an electric light container and many have an onion odor and taste. Shrubs are perennialzed by an electric light container that form again every year from the base of the old an electric light container, or are bring forward on the ends of rhizomes or, in a few gold or silver coins, at the ends of stolen. A little number of gold or silver coins have tuberous the bottom. The  electric light container have outer a covers that are commonly brown or grey colour, with a not rough texture, and are containing fibers, or with cellular reticulation. The inner a covers of the electric light container are membranous.
Many alliums have situated at the base abandon that commonly wither away from the tips downward in front of or while the shrub flower, but some gold or silver coins have persistent foliage. Shrubs bring forward from one to twelve abandon, most gold or silver coins having linear, channeled or flat leaf blades. The leaf blades are straight or variously coiled, but some species have broad leaves, including A. victorialis and A. tricoccum. The leaves are sessile, and very rarely narrowed into a leaf-stalk.
The terete or flattened flowering scapes are usually persistent. The inflorescences are umbels, in which the extension flowers bloom first and flowering progresses to the internal. Some species bring forward bulbils within the umbels, and in some species the bulbils replace some or all the flowers. The umbels are subtended by noticeable spa the a small leaf below calyx, which are commonly fused and usually have on every side 3 veins.
The flowers are erect or in some gold or silver coins pendent, having six petal-like tepals bring forward in two whorls. The flowers have one the manner of writing and six epipetalous stamens; the anthers and pollen can vary in color depending on the species. The ovaries are superior, and three-lobed with three locales.
The fruits are capsules that open longitudinally single the capsule wall in the intermediate space of  the partitions of the lobule. The seeds are black, and have a circular shape.

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