Amaryllis belladonna flowers
Amaryllis is a bulbous plant, with each corm being 5–10 cm in diameter. It has several strap-shaped, green leaves, 30–50 cm long and 2–3 cm broad, agreed in two row The foliage are produced inside the autumn or early spiral in warm climates depending on the onset of rainfall and eventually die down by late leap The bulb be then unknown awaiting late summer. The plant is not frost-tolerant, nor does it do fine in damp environments since they involve a dry resting stage between leaf increase and flower spike creationFrom the dry position in late summer (August in zone 7) each bulb produces one or two leafless stems 30–60 cm tall, each of which bear a cluster of 2 to 12 funnel-shaped flowers at their clippings. Each flower is 6–10 cm width with six tepals (three outer sepals, three inner petals, with similar form to each other). The common color is white with crimson veins, but pink or purple also occur naturally. The common name "naked lady" stems from the plant's outline of flowering while the plant life has died down.[2]
The species was introduce into cultivation at the start of the eighteenth century. They copy little by little either by bulb division or seeds and have regularly naturalized from plantings in town and suburban areas throughout the lower elevations and coastal areas in much of the West Coast of the USA since these environments copy their local South African surroundings
Many bulbs sell as Amaryllis and describe as 'ready to bloom for the holidays' really belong to the similar genus Hippeastrum, despite being labeled as 'Amaryllis' through sellers and nurseries. Adding to the name confusion, some bulbs of other species with a similar growth and flowering pattern are also from time to time called this plant's common name "naked ladies". Some of those species have their own more broadly used and established ordinary names, such as the restoration Lily (Lycoris squamigera).
There is an Amaryllis belladonna × Crinum moorei cross, called × Amarcrinum [3], which has named cultivars.
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